Accuracy: Real World Results

One of LC/EF’s customers submitted the following independent test of the Original Laser Center/Edge Finder

“I recently reviewed and compared a Laser Center/Edge Finder to my electronic edge finder and a revolving edge finder. In my comparison I used a machined block of steel that had been squared up. I also used the Digital Read Out system on my milling machine as my basis for measurement.”

I started with my revolving edge finder and set my DRO to zero.

Next, I used my electronic edge finder and found the reading to be +.0018

Lastly, I used the Laser Center/Edge Finder and found the reading to be +.0014

I then had another person use the laser and electronic edge finders to see what was being left to interpretation

That person duplicated my results. We both had a difference of .0004

The only interpretation for either of us was determining the “center” of the “red dot” of the laser. The electronic edge finder repeated exactly the same for both of us.

I realize this was not a very scientific process, yet I was pleased with the results.



Simons Consulting and Mfg.