Laser Centering Tool

Our History

The Laser Center/Edge Finder ® was introduced by SDA Mfg. at the Visalia, CA “Men, Metal & Machines” show on October 4th 2004.

Designed to replace traditional wigglers and mechanical or electronic edge finders in most setup operations

Class 1 Laser Product

Precision edge finding without readjusting for radius of edge finding tool

Quickly locate center punch marks or scribe line intersections

Can be used with drill presses, to set mill head angle, realign lathe tailstock after taper cutting, lathes with 4-jaw chuck setup or to align the vice on the mill table

Two US Patents have been granted.

Illustration of where customers are that use an edge finding tool

Our Customers

Our Customers include Fortune 500 companies that cover a wide range of industries including Aero Space, Aircraft, Helicopter Mfgs., Automotive, Military Weapons Centers (US, Canada, and UK) over 40 Universities, Medical Research Centers and Medical Mfgs, Telecommunication, Oil Well Tools & Equipment Mfg., Nuclear Research Centers in 3 States and sales to 54 countries.

SDA Manufacturing Announcements

Cross-Hair lens with improved sharpness

After months of searching, we now have a lens that offers improved sharpness over the working range.

Double Polarizer for Cross-Hair &
Concentric Circle Lenses

A “Double Polarizer” is included with all Cross-Hair and Concentric Circle units. This polarizer provides improved adjustability in line visibility that was not previously possible.

Each lens is permanently installed in a dedicated LC/EF and the lenses are not available alone.

The crosshair lens is useful for aligning the workpiece on the table. The circle lens is useful for re-entering a hole already drilled.

Please take a few minutes to peruse our new accessories and we hope all your Laser Center/Edge Finder ® products serve you well.

Brighter laser and smaller dot size!

The polarizing attachment is now included with the purchase of all of our units.

Design improvements in the laser module and laser aperture have allowed us to achieve an even smaller dot size, brighter dot, and longer operating distance when used in conjunction with the polarizer.

We continually strive to build a better product and achieve greater accuracy. We also rely on customer feedback to let us know when things work and when they don’t.

Brighter laser and smaller dot size!